Travel vs Online Gambling, which to choose?

By Andrescoto87 - June 20, 2019

Which Type Of Casino - Online Or Traditional?

Back in the early nineties before casinos came online. Casinos were used to places frequently visited by thousands.

Let's go ahead and check why some people think that an online casino is better rather a traditional casino. Would you agree to these thoughts or would you prefer to travel and gamble with other people in a casino? 

Compared to the traditional city casinos, online casinos have many advantages, so lets look at some of them:

1 - Any Time, Anywhere.

As long as you have access to a computer 24 hours you can play online casino games 24hrs a day, it doesn't matter where you are or where you live. If you happen to own a portable laptop computer you can play any game you choose while on the move, no longer are you restricted to set hours or locations.  

Online casinos 1 X Traditional Casinos 0

2 - No Need To Dress Up.

The traditional casinos usually have a stuffy dress code. In other words, you need to wear the correct clothing outlined by the casino, and if you are not dressed to their liking then you will not be allowed in. 

Not so with using online casinos, you can even play in the nude if you want, or maybe you just want to sit in your underwear!

 Online casinos 2  Traditional Casinos 0

3 - The Weather's Not A Problem.

With online casinos you don't have to venture out anywhere, just make yourself comfortable and log on to an online casino, pour yourself a drink, and start playing.

 Online casinos 3  Traditional Casinos 0

People gambling at a casino created by

4 - No Travel Required.

Why waste time and money traveling when all you have to do is switch on your PC? By the time you've traveled to and from your city casino, you could have played numerous games at an online casino in the comfort of your own surroundings.

Having the adventure of traveling to a city like Las Vegas or Atlantic City could get out of your routine. Also as well as traditional casinos, you can lose when gambling so why don't get into another activity after gambling?

But if you are a lucky person and win all the time, let's go ahead and enjoy celebrating at the casino. Many of them have other facilities for you to have fun and spend all that money earned on gambling. 

X Online casinos 3   Traditional Casinos 1

5 - The Safety Element.

There can be a safety issue when visiting the traditional casino, especially for women and people traveling on their own. 

The average casino can be a bit intimidating for single women so online casinos provide an obvious solution by making it possible to play from home in safety. 

According to the media, a very large percentage of online casino players are now female.

 Online casinos 4  X Traditional Casinos 1

6 - No Smoking Problems

Speaking from my own experiences I've found smoking to be a real problem especially when the casinos become busy. 

It's a known fact that most heavy gamblers seem to be heavy smokers too, and at times the smoke can become unbearable. 

Even with air conditioning and the extractor fans in operation the smoke never seems to clear properly.

 Online casinos 5  X Traditional Casinos 1

7 - No Crowds

If you're a shy quiet person, then a busy casino is not for you. 

But if you love the passion for gambling with other people around go ahead and do it. Both ways are great experiences to enjoy the adrenaline.

On a busy table, there can be a lot of noise as well as people pushing and shoving. At times it can be difficult to get near the table to place your bets. 

At home, you can play quietly on your own without all the hassles that we've already mentioned.

 Online casinos 6  X Traditional Casinos 1

8 - Many More Games Online.

The online casinos also offer many more games to choose from, far too many to mention in this article. Check it out for yourself, you'll be amazed at the choice of games that the online casinos have to offer.

 Online casinos 7 X Traditional Casinos 1

9 - Methods Of Payment.

The traditional casinos usually only accept cash, but the online casinos offer dozens of ways of paying, mostly by credit card so there's no need for hard cash.

 Online casinos 8 X Traditional Casinos 1

10 - Play For Free.

The online casinos will let you set up a dummy account so that you can practice without using real money. 

You can practice as long as you want until you're confident enough to start playing for real.

 Online casinos 9 X Traditional Casinos 1

11 - Free Money.

Yes, free money. 

In order to get your business most casinos will offer you a free cash deposit. The amounts can be anything from $20 to $50, and in certain cases much higher so shop around for the best deals.

 Online casinos 10 X Traditional Casinos 1

So probably at the end of this article, you might be thinking why is this opposing to visit a traditional casino if the blog is about traveling and going around?

Yes, online gambling might have won most of the advantages not to say all of them but. Remember that everything is a risk as gambling you have to risks to have fun and is the same with traveling is a risk no to do it and lose all the opportunities that are offered. 

Despite the fact, you are an online gambler or a traditional and either you have bad luck or good luck at gambling. Enjoy what you have earned and travel have the adventure to make it worth it.

And if you lose something, learn something about it and try to make it better, and don't lose your mind to gambling. Enjoy life 😊

Author John H Moore - please use my link []

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